Detailed features
new titan treasury web_opt
new titan treasury web_expert_opt-1
Market Data


  • Market data updated every 15 minutes (source: Refinitiv)

  • Sector-based news (source: Zonebourse/Marketscreener)


  • Market data for your calculations input daily

  • Data provision service: Rate and foreign exchange index fixings; short- and long-term rate curves; swap rates; rate and Fx option volatility; swaption volatility; UCITS NAVs; latest stock prices, etc. (source: TraditionDATA and SIX Financial)

Workflow - transaction and event logs

  • Enter or import transactions (dealing platform, ERP, etc.).

  • Track and manage centralised reporting of financial transactions and hedging derivatives.

  • Track and manage reporting of maturities.

  • Four approval statuses (Front, Middle or Back Office or accounts) for transactions and cash flows.

  • Propose perfect hedges based on underlying financial transactions.

  • Sort and display subtotals, manage filters (inclusive and exclusive multi-criteria selection).

  • Export manual or automatic reports (PDF, Excel, Print Screen, etc.).

  • Share secure reporting environments (control of profiles and permissions)
    800 descriptive and calculated fields available as standard.

  • Manage subtotal criteria, manage transaction filters (selections).

  • Manage processes (advance notice, early redemption, reporting, cancellation, exercise, netting etc.)

  • Create functions (new columns).

  • Code formulas: logical, mathematical, text, accounting etc. for experts in Excel functions.

Calendar, Alerts, Notifications, Emails

Treasury Calendar:

  • Rate and Fx fixings announced.

  • Track and approve maturities of financial transaction flows (interest, nominal, charges, equalisation payment, etc.).

  • Notify the team and monitor workflow.

  • Track target calendars by currency (official market holidays).

  • Manage and monitor transaction alerts.
    Create and monitor reminders.

  • Client SMTP (messaging) built into the product.


  • Send reports without using Outlook client (or other).

  • Configure report distribution lists.

  • Set up manual or automatic confirmations and warnings.


Produce transaction tickets with complete information.
“To do list” reporting.

Editor to create personalised confirmations and notifications (shared or individual).

Some applications:

  • Confirmation in PDF/Word format, in an attachment to an email or directly in the body of the email.

  • Confirmation of the transaction, process or maturity by the Front, Middle or Back office or accounts/consolidation.


Alerts configured in the transactions. 
Internal messaging notifications (for example, to a member of the team for a specific process or validation).
Alert notification when a non-blocking limit is breached; notification of a functional administrator to approve breach of a limit by an operator.

Personalised programming. Some examples:
Automatic notifications of maturities sent to a subsidiary (e.g. loan repayment, notification of transfer of interest and loan principal).
Creation of a contract template (terms and conditions of an inter-company loan contract, amendment, covenants, etc.).

Document management

Multi-document storage in database and management (1 to n documents attached to a transaction: contracts, amendments, confirmations, tickets, etc.).

Electronic document management:
Link a document to 1 or n transactions or companies.
Manage EDM rights and profiles.


More than 40 types of business reports according to need and function.

Deliver standard and custom models.


Financial transactions and derivatives logs.
Monitor rate and Fx positions.
Monitor use of credit lines.
Monitor payment schedules.
Treasury forecasts.
Valuation (including mark-to-market).
Change in historic valuation.
Financial profit/(loss) per period.
Accounting profit.
Report on limits.


Currency positions.
Measure Fx activity.
Foreign exchange profit/(loss).
Tracking hedging of budgets, forecasts and actual (invoices, contracts, etc.).
Open position.


Rate exposures outstanding by maturity.
Rate exposure by maturity.
Open position and offset.
Rate/currency breakdown.
Rate and currency exposure.


Net securities position.
Bond position.
Equities and investment funds position.


Analyse commodities position.
Monitor hedges vs. budgets.


Monitor commitments by guarantees given/received, by guarantor, according to available vs. used, and by status (active, called on, lifted, expired, due, etc.).

Rolling forecast.
Funding need.
Forecast net debt.
Manage covenants.

IFRS 7/Risk:
Rate exposure by maturity.
Rate exposures outstanding by maturity (before and after hedging).
Rate and currency exposure and breakdown (before and after hedging).
Measure risk exposure by period.
Hedging of budgets, forecasts and actual.
Change in valuation.
Stress-tests, scenario, VaR, CFaR.

Summary of derivative instruments.
Effectiveness tests.
History and monitoring of hedging relationships.
IFRS accounting impacts.
IFRS accounting restatements.

IFRS 13 

IFRS 16 
Financial and stock management via our partners.

Liquidity risk reporting.
Rate reporting.
Manage periodic ALM laws (law sequencing).
Compute the liquidity gap and its periodic variation.
Calculate interest rate margins based on selected rate scenarios.

Advanced limits.
Manage collateral.

Build tailored public tables queryable by the client B.I. on static and dynamic data (e.g. coupon accrued, valuation, etc... 


Standard options in the titantreasury application:

Enter or import forecasts (operating flows).
Project financial flows.
Manage market scenarios (modify market data based on the matrix of calculated data), save and incorporate scenarios in eligible reports.
Stress test interest rates and foreign exchange.

Assess the impact of shocks:

on cash flow over multiple customisable periods.

on fair value (mark-to-market).


Simulation universe: 
Manage multiple scenarios based on the copy of transactions and reports in the database, or based on a previous universe.
Project simulated business cash flows, simulated, cancelled or processed transactions.
Compare strategies.
Assess the impact of scenarios in business, financial and accounting reports, before making decisions. 

Value at Risk:
Calculate the maximum risk of loss over a given horizon and a probability range.
Historic Value at Risk.
Value at Risk using Monte Carlo simulation
Value at Risk at multiple horizons (for commodities).
Cash flow at Risk.

Regulatory and accounting

EMIR reporting framework:
Manage the reporting framework: LEI, UTI, Conventions.
Automatic reporting of declarations.
Analysis reports on interest rate, foreign exchange and commodities exposure and on restatement of derivative instruments (IFRS 7 type).

Pre Accounting report:
Multiple account plans per country.
Distinguish between bank accounts and accounting accounts.
Control book keeeping entries by displaying pre GL account names and validate accounting entries

Generate accounting entries:
Local GAAP and IFRS 9:
Step-by-step management or management from inception. 
Valuation adjustment method. 
IFRS 16:
Manage the impacts on the balance sheet and on accounting. 

Frameworks, Rights and Profiles

Multilingual, multi-currency, multi-entity and multi-user.
Manage reporting frameworks and characteristics: market data, companies, accounts, contacts, counterparties, regions, ratings, and more.
Audit and manage connections and passwords.
Manage user profiles and access rights to: menu, functions, transaction scope, report classification directories, reports and common report filters.
Companies: manage entities and organisation charts: business, legal and consolidation. Option to manage the % holding of subsidiaries/entities and voting rights.
Counterparties: banks, agents, intermediaries, brokers, issuers, clearing houses, depositories, etc.

Audit and Security

Audit trail for reporting frameworks, connections, configuration and transactions.
Time stamping and versioning of transactions and flows so that the software can be fully rolled back to a past date or projected to a date in the future.
Permissions console for reporting frameworks.
User profile and rights console.
Control and supervision console to retrieve market data.
Four-eyes validation process.
Audit logs, check the integrity of the data in inter-application exchanges. Custom management of unique keys to prevent duplication.
Check consistency and limits in real time when entering transactions (condition tests).
Reporting on monitoring of limits.
Manage limits: advanced configuration, alerts/blocks
Active Directory.
SSO Azure, SAML v1, v2.
Multi-factor authentication.


Security and confidentiality are our first-order priorities.
Infrastructure hosted on a Private Cloud operated in France.
SaaS with a dedicated data environment.
High-availability infrastructure (database, firewalls, switches).

ISO 27001 – ISO 9001 – ISO 14001
ISO 22301 – ISO 50001
ISAE 3402, and more

Audit by qualified system security auditors (PASSI)
GDPR compliant to protect data confidentiality.
Legal security: Infrastructure Cloud Act-Safe.

We adjust the infrastructure to our clients and offer tailored services:
Backup on a Private Cloud in Europe.
Private SaaS (total segregation of the client SaaS infrastructure or implementation of the web application on the client’s IT infrastructure).
Business recovery plan (BRP), etc.