titanTreasury - a Cloud solution with intuitive and powerful features to simply manage all your treasury operations and liquidity risk.
Monitor your available and forecast cash flow on a daily basis thanks to the tables, calendars and dynamic schedules at your disposal.
Use dedicated reports for the calculation of your short-term financing capacity and keep an eye on your funding resources at all times.
Anticipate the different possible scenarios internally to control your operational risk, but also externally to control financing and market risks.
Map the Interest rate, FX and commodities risks likely to have an impact on your liquidity position in the short term. Identify potential consequences, such as late payment, breaching covenants or defaulting on payments.
Have reliable information at your disposal at all times, accessible in one place, and including all your operational and financial data, both actual and forecast.
See balances and forecast flows for your subsidiaries. Retrieve key financial data from the ERP (turnover, EBITDA, etc.) within a single secure and sovereign cloud hosted treasury solution.
Analyse the impact of your upcoming funding needs on your liquidity, net debt and key main financial ratios (liquidity gap, net debt/equity ratio, interest coverage ratio and more).
The titanTreasury features can automate :
Use the rich range of features in our simulation universe to test new assumptions and optimise management of your liquidity risk. Easily explore the range of possible scenarios using copies of your titantreasury production environment and your own operating flow projections.
Before making decisions, conduct a fine-grained analysis of the impacts of each strategy across each type of report (operating, financial and accounting) – all in a separated working universe with no impact on your production environment.
Evaluate the consequences of possible economic and financial shocks by carrying out stress tests in cash flow or Fair value (Mark-to-market) over the periods of your choice.
Automatically generate accounting entries throughout the life of your hedges, from set-up to unwinding.
gains and losses on your overall position are included in the same set of entries to produce clear, transparent disclosures giving a true and fair view of the company’s accounts and results
With the titanTreasury solution, simply control your liquidity risk in a central, secure and sovereign cloud TMS.
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